Regulatory Genomics Lab @Westlake University

Computational resources

We build open-sourced computational tools to facilitate and accelerate research, innovation, and problem-solving in the field of regulatory genomics. By providing these tools freely and openly, we aim to foster collaboration, reproducibility, and transparency in scientific and technological endeavors, and empower individuals and communities to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in their research.

SnapATAC2 A Python/Rust package for single-cell epigenomics analysis

SnapATAC2 is Python/Rust package for end-to-end single-cell epigenomics analysis, including preprocessing, dimension reduction, clustering, data integration, peak calling, differential analysis, motif analysis, regulatory network analysis, and multimodal analysis.

Taiji multi-omics bioinformatics pipeline

Taiji is an integrative analysis pipeline for analyzing bulk/single-cell ATAC-seq and RNA-seq data.
